Showcase Forest Now Proposal and Maquette Earth Man Media Vita at Wells Cathedral Media Vita (Wells Cathedral) Up To Now (Pine & Cedar), Ovingdean The Principle of Incremental Divergence (Ovingdean) Camo (Ovingdean) Media Vita (Ovingdean) Chronologer (Metal Over Wood), Ovingdean Tree Stations, Ovingdean Up To Now (Cedar and Pine), Ovingdean St Wulfran’s, Ovingdean (The Installation) Up To Now Installation Chronologer (Chalk and Bone) Wells Cathedral Up To Now (Hadlow Down, East Sussex) By Nature; Wakehurst …the thrill of…eternity (Landscape in DNA: Quennington) By Nature (Cedar of Lebanon) Chronologer (Chalk and Bone) Quennington Education Pack Grown Up (Quennington) Up To Now (Sussex Woodland) Up to Now (Abstractions 1, 2 & 3) Temporal Instrument No. 3 Oak Story Cubes Kids Rule Forge Ahead The Thrill of Eternity (Landscape in DNA) They Fruits Of The Forest (Berlin) A Bed, A Door, A Shadow In The Floor Fruits de la Forêt (COAL 2021) Oak Leaf Cluster Jolly Roger Being There, 4 u Postcards from the Forest Floor Balanced Being Untitled (Human Skin Essence) Untitled (Plant Essence) Shooting Stick 1’/358″ (One Foot, 358 seconds) Time Stick: The Biography of a Branch The Story of Pip and The Desolate Man an other sea (R.I.B.) Carry Me Home (In Pieces) 2019 Brexitannia 2019 an other kitchen (London) 2019 The Wightman Park Sentinel, Pittsburg Merleau-Ponty’s Mirror: “…the ghost in the mirror draws my flesh outward…” Branch 4, 2017 (Working Title) Air Bag, Sky Bag 2017 Pinned Limb (Quince), Quennington, 2017 Doubtful Species Installation, 2016 Doubtful Species (Boy), 2016 Pinned Limb (Oak) National Sculpture Prize, 2016 Doubtful Species (The Man On The Beach), 2015 In The Dream, 2015 Here Beneath Our Feet, 2015