Work Prescient Slab (Dog and Tree) 2018interior artworks “,…the thrill of Her eternity…” (Cezanne) A Landscape in DNA Stourhead 2018exterior sculpture Stump Interuptedinterior artworks Herbivore, Carnivore, Horses Don’t Like Hatsinterior artworks Into the Blueinterior artworks Four Rabbits 2018interior artworks The Wightman Park Sentinel, Pittsburgshowcase Merleau-Ponty’s Mirror: “…the ghost in the mirror draws my flesh outward…”interior artworks, showcase Prescient Block: Untitled (Kumquat Leaves)interior artworks Prescient Slab: Untitled (Lolly Wrapper) The Elusive Reality of Material Darkness Prescient Plinth: Untitled (Small Rabbit ****) Prescient Plinth: Untitled (Small Horse ****) Slice Of The Peace; “…one single catastrophe…”(Walter Benjamin)interior artworks d ‘n’ A ( A ‘n’ b)interior artworks A Bed, A Door, A Slab In The Floorinterior artworks The House of Tacitus (Proposal)exterior sculpture Stump Three (Cotswolds Sculpture Park) Doubtful Species, Artefact 23, 2017interior artworks Branch 4, 2017 (Working Title)interior artworks, showcase Air Bag, Sky Bag 2017exterior sculpture, showcase The Pyramid 2017 (Collaboration with Dinah Dufton)interior artworks Pinned Limb (Quince), Quennington, 2017exterior sculpture, showcase Carry Me Home (In Pieces) 2017interior artworks « Older Entries Next Entries »